Yarn crafting doesn't end just because the weather is warmer!
We're having a Summer Yarn Along, in which we create and read together (get it "yarn" along),
What it is:
(the yarning part) Felted book bag. The Free pattern is available for crochet or knit, requires 360 yards 100% wool, non-superwash, US 10 needles or M hook
(the yarn part) We've chosen two books to read over the summer months. Books will be announced at the Yarning Happy hour on June 9th 6-8 p.m.
How it works: You can officially signup, download patterns, and join the discussion through our Ravelry group Summer YAL thread. (click)
Receive your pattern and get on the participation list. Join us for fun gatherings to work on you bag and discuss the books.
You can stash dive or purchase feltable yarn at the Studio. The pattern is basic. Stripes or solids, and color choices are up to you.
Kick-off & Book Announcement.
June 9th, 6 pm
Gatherings to Discuss & craft:
Thursday, June 22nd @ 12 noon
Thursday, July 27th @ 12 noon
Show Off:
Friday, August 11 @ 6 p.m.
Watch our Facebook, Instagram and website for additional information.